I AM A DANCERBlu-ray$2.95
APOLLO'S ANGELS: A History of BalletPaperbound$4.95 $20.00
SERENADE: A Balanchine StoryHardbound$6.95 $30.00
DIAGHILEV'S EMPIRE: How the Ballets Russes Enthralled the WorldPaperbound$5.95 $20.00
CENTER CENTER: A Funny, Sexy, Sad Almost-Memoir of a Boy in BalletHardbound$5.95 $27.00
TURNING POINTE: How a New Generation of Dancers Is Saving Ballet from ItselfHardbound$6.95 $28.00
DIAGHILEV'S EMPIRE: How the Ballets Russes Enthralled the WorldHardboundPrice cut to $7.95 $35.00